Ref - Sandigursky et al. 1998. Nucleic Acids Res. 26:1282-1287


Sandigursky, M., G.A. Freyer, W.A. Franklin 1998. The post-incision steps of the DNA base excision repair pathway in Escherichia coli: studies with a closed circular DNA substrate containing a single U:G base pair. Nucleic Acids Res. 26:1282-1287

  • Authors:
    Sandigursky, M.
    Freyer, G.A.
    Franklin, WilliamW.A.

  • Year: 1998
  • Publication: Nucleic Acids Res.
  • Volume: 26
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 1282
  • ToPage: 1287
  • Title: The post-incision steps of the DNA base excision repair pathway in Escherichia coli: studies with a closed circular DNA substrate containing a single U:G base pair
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