CGSC Strain#: 13591
Strain Designation: DH5α/pBAD-C      Source of Strain:
Other Designations: DH5alpha/pBAD-C
Other Designations: pBAD-C
Sex: F- Episome/Plasmid: pBAD-C
   Plasmid Markers/Mutations: orip15A, araC , bla , clsC
   Plasmid Comment: pBAD30 with clsC inserted between XbaI and HindIII
Chromosomal Markers: Δ(argF-lac)169, φ80dlacZ58(M15), ΔphoA8, glnX44(AS), λ-, deoR481, rfbC1, gyrA96(NalR), recA1, endA1, thiE1, hsdR17
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