CGSC Strain#: 14161
Strain Designation: JM110      Source of Strain: J. Messing
Sex: F' Episome/Plasmid: F128-x
   Plasmid Markers/Mutations: lacIp-4000(lacIQ), ΔlacZ58(M15), traD36, proA , proB
   Plasmid Comment: an F128-like F' found in Messing strains and their derivatives
Chromosomal Markers: thr-1, araC14, leuB6(Am), fhuA31, Δ(gpt-lac)0, tsx-78, glnX44(AS), galK2(Oc), galT22, λ-, dcm-6, rpsL199(strR), dam-3, thiE1
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