Ref - Aldea et al. 1989. EMBO J. 8:3923-3931


Aldea, M., T. Garrido, C. Hernandez-Chico, M. Vicente, S.R. Kushner 1989. Induction of a growth-phase-dependent promoter triggers transcription of bolA, an Escherichia coli morphogene. EMBO J. 8:3923-3931

  • Authors:
    Aldea, MartiM.
    Garrido, T.
    Hernandez-Chico, C.
    Vicente, MiguelM.
    Kushner, SidneyS.R.

  • Year: 1989
  • Publication: EMBO J.
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 3923
  • ToPage: 3931
  • Title: Induction of a growth-phase-dependent promoter triggers transcription of bolA, an Escherichia coli morphogene
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