Ref - Ohta et al. 1985. J.Bacteriol. 163:506-514


Ohta, A., T. Obara, Y. Asami, I. Shibuya 1985. Molecular cloning of the cls gene responsible for cardiolipin synthesis in Escherichia coli and phenotypic consequences of its amplification. J.Bacteriol. 163:506-514

  • Authors:
    Ohta, A.
    Obara, T.
    Asami, Y.
    Shibuya, I.

  • Year: 1985
  • Publication: J. Bacteriol.
  • Volume: 163
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 506
  • ToPage: 514
  • Title: Molecular cloning of the cls gene responsible for cardiolipin synthesis in Escherichia coli and phenotypic consequences of its amplification.
  • Comment:
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