Ref - Chalker et al. 1988. Gene 71:201-205


Chalker, A.F., D.R. Leach, R.G. Lloyd 1988. Escherichia coli sbcC mutants permit stable propagation of DNA replicons containing a long palindrome. Gene 71:201-205

  • Authors:
    Chalker, AlisonA.F.
    Leach, DavidD.R.
    Lloyd, RobertR.G.

  • Year: 1988
  • Publication: Gene
  • Volume: 71
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 201
  • ToPage: 205
  • Title: Escherichia coli sbcC mutants permit stable propagation of DNA replicons containing a long palindrome
  • Comment: Mutations in sbcC allow stable propagation of long palindromic sequences of perfect or near-perfect symmetry (e.g. 571-bp palindrome)
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