Ref - Seoane et al. 1992. J.Bacteriol. 174:7844-7847


Seoane, A.S., A. Sabbaj, L.M. McMurry, S.B. Levy 1992. Multiple antibiotic susceptibility associated with inactivation of the prc-gene. J.Bacteriol. 174:7844-7847

  • Authors:
    Seoane, AsuncionA.S.
    Sabbaj, A.
    McMurry, LauraL.M.
    Levy, StuartS.B.

  • Year: 1992
  • Publication: J. Bacteriol.
  • Volume: 174
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 7844
  • ToPage: 7847
  • Title: Multiple antibiotic susceptibility associated with inactivation of the prc-gene
  • Comment:
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